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The Ohio Small Police Department Association

FREE Firearms Training w/Achilles Heel Tactical / Project Blue Lion

  • 11 Feb 2022
  • See Description

Being a Law Enforcement Officer is a job that requires an incredible amount of diligence, honor, and commitment. Each and every one of our LEO's are expected to be at the top of their game, especially when you factor in the perception of the public eye, and we all know that departments don't always provide enough high quality training.

Thanks to HOWITZER CLOTHING & WISHES FOR WARRIORS, Achilles Heel Tactical will be providing FREE training to ALL Law Enforcement Officers! Achilles Heel Tactical LLC. is a veteran / law enforcement owned and operated firearms training & consulting company. Our mission is to provide our customers with essential training and education needed to exploit opportunity. With us, newcomers will gain knowledge and tactics through our wide spread experience and skilled shooters can hone their skills in a safe and competitive environment. Come join us as we travel across the nation through Project Blue Lion, providing training to all who are applicable. Exploit this opportunity to receive sponsorship to a training course near you! 

You can find out more and APPLY at https://www.achillesheeltactical.com/le-training

We look forward to meeting and training with you!

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mw0prHJVyAT0nxEWj1hdAsb47aBdJ_t6/view?usp=sharing  Video

The Ohio Small Police Department Association is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) 


Jeffrey Ehasz, Executive Director

Phone: (912) 227-4440

Email: jehasz@ospda.org

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 283
Wellington, Ohio 44090

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